Saturday, 12 October 2013

Soda Bread

This is my first attempt at soda bread.
170g plain flour
170g self raising whole wheat flour
1/2tsp salt
1/2tsp bicarb
 1/2 pint warm milk with 1 tbsp lemon juice

Combine all ingredients with a fork. Turn onto a baking tray, score, sprinkle with oats and bake for thirty minutes at 200C/gas 6.

Gluten Free Orange Cake

This recipe came from my cousin's mother in law. She's Australian and cooked it for me when I went out there with oranges from her garden.

2 oranges
250g sugar
250g ground almonds
5 eggs

Boil the oranges for thirty minutes, then blitz. Whisk the sugar and eggs together then add the almonds and the orange pulp. Bake for an hour at 200C/gas 6.
This time I just topped the cake off with chopped chocolate.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Broadstairs Food Festival, Kent

Here is a selection of the delicious baked goods at last weekends Broadstairs Food Festival.
I had a hog roast roll, crepe, falafel wrap, Viennese finger and a blackberry cider over the weekend. All were delicious!